Basic Information about Nepal Telecom
Type gprs (nokia, lg, motorolla, indian etc) (in your Msg Box) & Send to 1404*
Type sagprs (samsung mobiles) (in your Message Box) & Send to 1404
Type segprs (sonyericsson mobiles)
Type chgprs (chinise mobiles)
Type sagprs (samsung mobiles) (in your Message Box) & Send to 1404
Type segprs (sonyericsson mobiles)
Type chgprs (chinise mobiles)
Type vgprs (in your Message Box) & Send to 1400 for GPRS Activation
for both GSM Prepaid or POST PAID
(or call at 1498 and request GPRS settings for your Mobile model.)
2. GSM/CDMA Post paid Balance Inquiry:
Type CB (in your Message Box) & Send it to 1400 or 1401
Type VB<space>6710 (in your Message Box) & Send it to 1400 or 1401
*1400 for GSM and 1401 for CDMA
3.CDMA Call Divert Cancel
Dial *703 from your CDMA mobile Set.
4. PUK no Inquiry (for both GSM and CDMA User)
Dial 1607 (follow the instruction)
(type 19 no of pin code available at backside of your SIM)
(type 19 no of pin code available at backside of your SIM)
5. International Call Bypass (if Local no appear while receiving International Call, complain at)
Dial 188 (follow the instruction)
6. Telephone Maintenance (only for PSTN)
Dial 198 (follow the instruction)
7. Budget Call (for international call)
Dial 1424<country code> <number>
8. GSM inquiry
Dial 1498
9. Balance Inquiry (for prepaid)
GSM : Dial *400# or 1414
CDMA : Dial 1415
10. BUZZ Service (Connect)
Type SUB (in your Message Box) & Send it to 5000
11. BUZZ Service (Disconnect)
Type UNSUB (in your Message Box) & Send it to 5000
12. PSTN Bill Inquiry
Dial…1606(related no)…. 014217428
13. Telephone no Inquiry (to know the contact no of different offices)
Dial… 197
14. Upgrade your postpaid GSM to 3G
Type <3G> in your msg box and send it to 1400 (It’s Free)
15. Pay GSM Postpaid, PSTN & ADSL through Recharge Card, MPOS or IVR
16. How to connect/configured 3G or GPRS on my Android Phone (Smartphone)
First go to the Menu →Setting →More Setting→ Mobile Networks→ Mobile Data(on)→
19. How to Inquiry Balance and Data Uses of SKYPRO or EVDO ??
*Type <VL> and send it to 1415 OR *Type<FR> in your message box and send it to 1421 OR Dial 1415 for details (*Only from EVDO Card)
Also Dial 1415 for recharge or go through
15. Pay GSM Postpaid, PSTN & ADSL through Recharge Card, MPOS or IVR
16. How to connect/configured 3G or GPRS on my Android Phone (Smartphone)
First go to the Menu →Setting →More Setting→ Mobile Networks→ Mobile Data(on)→
Data Roaming(on)→Network
mode(Auto Mode)
Go to the Access Point
Names→ Select Menu and Reset to default first
Again go to Menu and
select New APN: (Configuration page will appear) Fill the field
Name: ntnet
APN: ntnet
Authentication type: none
Left other field blank
than again press Menu and Save the settings.
Activate the created
connection by pressing green bottom (Appears at the right side)
Switch Off and ON your Phone……………
Make sure the
following terms
Whether signal E
or G appears or not, that means you’re are under 2G data Coverage and 3G
or H signal means you are under 3G data coverage.
17. How to configure iPhone 4 for GPRS/EDGE or 3G of NDCL [NEPAL TELECOM]
First go to Setting
Select General
Select Cellular
'on' Cellular Data for 3G 'on' Enable 3G
Optional~~~ go to Cellular Data Network and type ntnet at APN
Now you are ready to use NTC Data in your iPhone
18. How to Configure ADSL Router- NTC (Nepal Telecom) for TPLINK, DLINK, DIGICOM, DIGICOM-I, PLANET, CNET
*Type <VL> and send it to 1415 OR *Type<FR> in your message box and send it to 1421 OR Dial 1415 for details (*Only from EVDO Card)
Also Dial 1415 for recharge or go through